Saturday, September 10, 2011

After the tourists have gone

The children are off to school again. The mornings are getting chillier and there is like an air of autumn hanging over us....  I decided to pay myself a treat. A couple of hours on the beach in Moliets, all alone, just taking time to walk slowly, think of nothing...

The air was lukewarm. The beach was alot calmer but still pretty busy. Lots of German and Dutch tourists,  some elderly people. The beach guards were still there but seemed more relaxed than usual.

I went into the water and swam around for a while, mostly letting myself float on the waves. Realised that it was the first time this summer I did that: swim instead of standing close to the shore keeping an eye on the children...

What is this....

... the protections to keep the sand in place

Trying to show immense blueness of the sky...

1 comment:

  1. Tu ne manques jamais de photographier les secouristes....On peut les voir de près ???? Bon week-end Eva & co...


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